Erasmus Experience Efendim!

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Mi történik Isztambulban - facebook bejegyzések röviden

Efendim 2013.06.19. 12:01

Mivel nem sikerült rendes bejegyzést írnom (nem úgy, mint például az Economistnak), álljon itt néhány facebook post az eseményekről:

football istanbul.jpgJúnius 9
: "Hundres of thousands already at Taksim square! Tonight we will be a million!

Supporters of all football clubs, university students, high school students, grand mothers, housewives, Kurds, LGBTs, left wing and right wing groups, lawyers, doctors!

This is simply INCREDIBLE!!!"

A fotók is alátámasztják. Emberek, akik egyébként messzire elkerülnék egymást, vagy (jobb esetben) vicsorognának egymásra, amikor találkoznak, most együtt lépnek fel a kormányzati önkény ellen.

Június 11.: Az ügyvédek letartóztatásának napja - a Çağlayan bíróság épületéből vitték el a tüntetéseken résztvevő ügyvédeket.

"To my friends who have been wondering whats really going on in Turkey for the last 14 days: What started as a peaceful "tree hugging" protest to save our parks has become a nationwide protest towards the current government. The police intervention on protesters with tear gas and excessive use of force has lead to the reason of these protests to become political. The people demand equality, human rights, to belong to a minority group without beeing prosecuted by the current government. 

The police has used excessive force against protestors resulting in 4 dead, 4277 injured. The Turkish media has covered up all these protests and turned a blind eye to what has been happening the last 2 weeks, reason is they are also pro supporters of the government.

What seemed to be peaceful on the weekend turned voilent today again when police raided taksim square with gas bombs at 7 am while the protestors were asleep. Same thing that started all this in the first place. The prime Minister has been using more force against his own people and sturring up hatred using his so called "50%" vote to disregard what has been hapening on the streets. Instead of calming down the current situaiton he has ordered more police intervention and a call on his supporters to take to the streets.

Today in Istanbul 73 lawyers have been arrested for protesting and trying to help those people under police custody.

TylerDurden Fight Club.jpgMég ugyanaznap este: "Back from Taksim. Protesters have tears in their eyes, and see the hatred in the eyes of the policemen. How a PM can be that stubborn? Does he really want a bloodshed ? 
We need stronger reactions from our European friends: Turkey is a member of Council of Europe and an associate member of the EU. Where are they ? 

Yes, over the last ten years, Turkey has been an economic success story BUT it has also turned into a divided, fragile and more and more conservative society. 

I may explain my opposition to the current government in a very simple way: I am a liberal. I feel offended by the PM's attitude towards the liberals with a secular life style who live in this country: who walk hands in hands on the street, who are not afraid of kissing each other in the metro or who simply like drinking alcohol! I hate when my opinion is not asked about the new urban plan of my own city! My PM cannot tell me when to get married or how many children I should have. I have my own brain and I make my own choices in life. Therefore, I consider Erdogan as a serious threat!

Június 16.: Erdogan Kazliçeşme-i beszéde kapcsán (ahova valahogy sikerült eljuttatni buszokkal a toborzott résztvevőket, annak ellenére, hogy masszív tömegközlekedési blokk van, nehogy még többen menjenek a Taksim térre tüntetni):

  • Előtte: "The policemen get in five star hotels and hospitals to "catch" the protesters! 

The PM calls his million to get out on the streets at 6 pm and come and support him at Kazlicesme Park. The "other million" gets ready to gather around Taksim at 6 pm ! 

This will definitely lead to clashes at some point! Then the police will use his "famous" GAS against this "other million"!

GAS is the phonetic transcription of the Greek word "CHAOS"!

Where are we going to, guys?"

  • Utána: "Things I learned from Erdogan's speech:

-BBC, Reuters and CNN are liars. They should be honest because there is something called ethics. (They should take classes from the Turkish media)
-Erdogan knows the names of Turkish cities and Istanbul's provinces really well. He 
can even recite them in alphabetical order multiple times. (I should have paid more attention in my geography classes, this doubles the effectiveness of one's speech)
-I am being manipulated by foreign powers. (Very true, D'arienzo and Biagi have an inexplicable power on me)
-European Parliament should know their place and butt off from our internal affairs. (However it is completely fine if he tells me to have three kids or not to have C-sections)
-I don't care about the environment because I have contributed to noise pollution. (This one hit me hard, I have really tried several times to learn how to keep a tune but simply I don't have the talent)
-Terrorists provided food to the people who were camping at Taksim. (I am one of them)
-I should be shaking in fear in front of my computer because of the loud noise his supporters are making. (I am fearful but because of the noise created by just the one speaking)
-Those who have been using social media to provoke the great Turkish nation will be found and brought to justice. (Maybe I should start looking into IP masking)
-Everybody makes mistakes. (Just some repeat them over and over and with more intensity)
-I can not find a prime minister like him anywhere in the world. (This is, indeed, very true)
-This is not about the Park. It is about democracy, the people and Turkey. We all should see this. (Hmmm, if he had checked facebook two weeks ago, he would have figured this out much quicker)

In the meantime:

-Doctors are getting arrested for helping the injured.
-Some of the leaders of Carsi, the fan group Besiktas, have been taken into custody from their homes.
-The Governor said that the water used in TOMAs have some sort of "drug" in it but it is definitely not chemical. Hmm, a natural drug that burns skin, maybe they have a big stock of poison ivy somewhere. 
-Several unions are going on strike on Monday.
-People are still getting tear gassed. They even fired tear gas on people who went into a mosque to hide.
-People cannot get to the funeral of one of the people who died during the protests because of police blocking the roads.
-All public transportation to Taksim area is shut down (but if you want to go to Erdogan's rally you can use specially designated public buses & ferries).

And, despite all this, despite getting beaten over and over again, people are still trying to get to Taksim...

In pursuit of freedom..."

A fotóért köszönet Gizemnek és az Occupy Gezi török facebook oldalának.

Címkék: facebook tüntetés occupy gezi diren gezi parki

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